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Consolidation Information

July 2024 Update

On July 23, 2024, the Board of Education approved the second amendment to the purchase agreement with Michael Pagnotta Architect, P.A. d/b/a Fortuna Park LLC for the purchase of the Long Beach Island Grade School property.  On the same evening, the Ship Bottom Council named Michael Pagnotta Architect d/b/a Fortuna Park LLC as the designated redeveloper for the LBI Grade School property.  Additionally, as a result of the resolutions adopted by Ship Bottom, litigation between the Board of Education and the Borough of Ship Bottom is now concluded.  

Most importantly, the Board of Education has a closing date for the final disposition of the LBI Elementary School - June 17, 2025.  Since 2022, the Board has been planning for this to become a reality.  Capital has been allocated, in addition to the sale proceeds, for the renovation/expansion of the Ethel Jacobson school.  Additionally, the Board is finalizing our transition plan to ensure that the educational needs of our students are met while we transition to one school.

The Board is very pleased with the decisions rendered by the Borough of Ship Bottom and appreciates the positive collaboration between the municipal entities and the prospective purchaser, Michael Pagnotta.  

As the Board finalizes its transition plans, we will be providing information to the staff and greater community.  These plans have been in process for over two years and the Board is excited to finalize them with the assistance and collaboration of all of the stakeholders in the community.  

Consolidation Information