Agenda January 9, 2025 @ LBI Grade School media center, 4:00
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Welcome and introductions
- Treasurer’s Report
- important dates:
- Burger 25 fundraiser January 23rd
- Dance @ LBI March 7th
- Auction @ The Farm on Main March 22nd
- Teacher appreciation- week of May 5th
- Clothing drive May 17th
- Field day May 30th (rain date June 6th)
- Bay day June 5th (rain date June 9th)
- Volunteers needed
- Auction
- Committee reports
- Assemblies- Marci Bleam
- Wizards-January 13th(both schools)
- Brainwash- February 13th (both schools and family night)
- Magic science- March 12th (both schools)
- Restaurant fundraiser- Marci Bleam
- Burger 25 January 23rd
- Any suggestions for the following months? Wallys, ect.
- Social committee- Erica Jenkins/Coleen Garabedian
- After school enrichment- Danni Hagler
- Membership- Judy Meehan
- Thundering surf- Judy Meehan
- Auction- Danni Hagler/Jessica Scangarello
- Teacher appreciation- Sheilla & Jill
- Assemblies- Marci Bleam
- New Business
- Recording secretary unexpired term