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Academic Policies

In grades 1-6, report cards will be issued four times each year.  Kindergarten students receive report cards twice each year.  Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled during the 1st and 3rd marking periods to discuss each child's educational, social and physical development.  Report cards are based on the following rating scale:



/ Seldom

Grades 1-6
A   92-100
B   83-91
C  74-82
D  70-73
F   69 and below
EX Medical
INC  Incomplete

Effort:  Grades 1-6
E   Excellent
G   Good
S   Satisfactory
I   Improving
N  Needs Improvement

Special Area: Grades 1-6
C  Consistently
U  Usually
O  Occasionally

Personal and Social Development:  Grades 1-6
Each marking period all areas are satisfactory unless indicated by an X.

Placement of Students in Classrooms
It is the policy of the Long Beach Island Schools that the school principal and faculty will assign students to appropriate classes based on individual needs and educational development.  Utilizing heterogeneous grouping, all classroom placements will be assigned in a manner that guarantees educational excellence and equity in instruction.  When assigning classroom achievement, reading ability and grouping, social and emotional development of the individual child, and special needs and considerations regarding each child brought to the attention of the school principal by teachers or parents.

Homework Policies
The Long Beach Island School District's General Rules and Regulations emphasize the importance of completing homework assignments.  Homework assignments are encouraged by the policies of the Long Beach Island Board of Education as they promote student achievement and school effectiveness.

It is recommended that the following time be spent on home study and work in the evening:

Kindergarten......15 minutes
Grade 1.............15-30 minutes
Grade 2.............30 minutes
Grade 3/4..........30-45 minutes
Grade 5/6..........45-60 minutes

Specific time spent on homework, of course, may vary from child to child.  Individual student needs are considered when assigning homework, and assignments may be made up at the request of a parent with the permission of the classroom teacher.  Students in grades 4-6 are not permitted to call home for forgotten homework, instruments or swimwear.

Homework assignments are designed to reinforce skills taught in the classroom, and all homework assignments should have educational value.  Parents should discuss any concerns regarding homework with the classroom teacher.  It is recommended that parents spend some time each evening working with their child on educational activities, regardless of whether or not there is a specific assignment.

Reading with your child is encouraged as an excellent way to enhance your child's reading skills while enjoying your time together  Any reading materials from magazines to school books are appropriate for this purpose.

Parents can have a very positive impact on their child's success in school.  Remember that you are the most important person in your child's life.

Vacation and Homework
It could be the busy pace of today's lifestyle, but conflicting schedules due to parents' occupations or older siblings' schedules seem to have caused an increase in parents removing children form school for family vacations.  Officially this practice is discouraged.  If, however, a student is removed from school for a vacation, they will have the same number of school days to make up any work missed upon return; therefore, if a student misses three days of school, the student will have three days to make up the work.

Also, please note that because our reading and math curricula are performance and activity based, they can no longer be assembled into a packet or work to be sent home before the vacation.  Rather, all work will be presented and made up upon the student's return.  This will allow both the teacher the needed opportunity to explain and provide all the materials necessary to complete the assignments to the student.