Additional Programs and Activities
Special Programs to Enhance Your Child's Education
The Long Beach Island Schools are proud to offer all students the instruction of specialists in art, music, library, physical education and computer technology. A speech/language therapist and resource center teachers are available to provide supplemental instruction for children recommended by the district's Child Study Team. A basic skills (Title 1) program is available for students requiring remedial instruction in English, math and/or reading. Support instruction is provided for students who have been identified as being limited English proficient (LEP). Instrumental music and chorus programs are available for students in grades 4-6. School-based counseling is available to all students.
Tiered Integrated Projects Program (TIPP)
LBI's PK-6 Tiered Integrated Project Program (TIPP) addresses the needs of all learners and differentiating instruction through the use of a tiered lesson, layered curriculum approach. We are excited to say that each lesson and/or project will complement your child's current instructional classroom lesson by adding extension opportunities and learning. All lessons are aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Project-based learning will ensure throughout the year by infusing 21st Century Life and Career Ready Practices as well. Understanding the diverse learners within the classroom setting is our goal. It is our hope that through the application of the principles and strategies needed for every learner to be successful, students will be able to explore choices based on their personalized readiness levels, interests, talents, and learning profiles. Modifying the content, process, product and/or learning environment will produce a student-centered learning experience that fosters success, problem solving and decision making for your child.
Health, Safety and Physical Education Classes
New Jersey State Law requires that all students receive instruction in health, safety and physical education. Students will be scheduled to participate in such courses unless excused upon the recommendation of a physician. If a child is to be excused from physical education classes, we must receive a note from home explaining the nature of the illness or disability. Physical education classes are held in the school gymnasium and on the school playgrounds. Sneakers should not have heels, platforms or cleats. During the fist and second marking periods, students in grades 4-6, receive physical education swimming instruction at the St. Francis pool.
Library/Media Center
Library skills are a component of the Balanced Literacy instruction and all student use the library/media center as part of the Tiered Integrated Projects (TIPP) Program. Children are encouraged to borrow materials for a one-week period, returning them during their next library class. Fines are not imposed for overdue materials; however, if a student loses a book or damages it beyond repair, a replacement fee is charged. This bill is to paid before borrowing privileges continue. We strive to create responsible, book conscientious children, hoping that visits to the library become a life-long pleasure.
Educational Field Trips
Our schools plan field trips throughout the school year that are educationally profitable, correlated with the curriculum of each class, safe, adequately supervised and approved individually for each class, safe, adequately supervised and approved individually for each child with written parental permission. These activities allow your child to reap the benefits of the academic, cultural and social enrichment opportunities each grade's studies. Parental chaperones are often invited to assist with student supervision on field trips.
Family Life Curriculum
The Family Life curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and may be reviewed by contacting the School Nurse. Parents will be notified prior to instruction of sensitive curriculum and will be given the opportunity to preview the instructional materials. Student-Assisted Interactive Leadership (S.A.I.L.) Student-Assisted Interactive Leadership (S.A.I.L.) is a leadership and community outreach program: Objectives:
- To promote positive peer relationships
- To teach and encourage empathy between students
- To enhance communication and public speaking skills
- To promote positive self-esteem and peer-to-peer interactions
S.A.I.L. includes many opportunities for leadership for our third through sixth grade students.
Personalized Enrichment Program (PEP) LBI Grade School students have the opportunity to choose classes to participate in 3 days a week. The classes are offered by the teaching staff and range from academic games, sports, team building, leadership opportunities, art music, theater, etc. The program is designed to provide the chance for students to interact with students in different grade levels, learn a new skill, practice academic skills, and challenge themselves to try something new. The PEP program strengthens our students' social-emotional learning and supports their academic journey.