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American Disabilities Act

Frank Birney is the ADA (American Disabilities Act) Officer for the Long Beach Island School District and is available at 609-494-2341.

Right to Know

On January 8, 1998 Governor Whitman signed into law legislation (P.L.1998, C.364) governing the use or storage of certain hazardous substances in public schools.  This law provides for annual notification that any construction or other activities involving the use or storage of any hazardous substance will be posted on a bulletin board in each school and that hazardous substance fact sheets for these particular substances will be available for review.  The Long Beach Island School District's Right to Know Officer is David Yates and is available at 609-494-8851.

Affirmative Action Policy

The Long Beach Island Board of Education guarantees to all persons equal access to all categories of employment, retention, and advancement in this district, regardless of race, color, age, creed religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, marital status or non-applicable handicap, without favoritism or harassment as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1973 and NJAC 6:4-1 et seq.

Frank Birney is the Affirmative Action Officer for the Long Beach Island School District and is available at 609-494-2341.  A complete copy of the Long Beach Island Board of Education's policy is available upon request.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Policy #8335)

In accordance with this act, you are notified of the following:  You have the right to inspect and review information contained in educational records maintained by the Long Beach Island Schools, the right to request an amendment of an educational record that you believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of your FERPA rights, the right to restrict the release information that may be disclosed on an unlimited basis by school district personnel in response to oral or written requests, and the right to file a complaint with the Department of Education concerning any belief you have that the Long Beach Island School District has failed to comply with the provision of FERPA.  Written complaints should be directed to The Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202-8520.

Integrated Pest Management Notice

This notice is being distributed to comply with the New Jersey School Integrated Pest Management Act.  The Long Beach Island School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy and has implemented an IPM Plan to comply with this law.  IPM is a holistic preventive approach to managing pests that is explained further in the school's IPM Policy included with this notice.
All schools in New Jersey are required to have an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator (IPM Coordinator) to oversee all activities related to IPM and pesticide use at the school.

The IPM Coordinator for the Long Beach Island School District is:   David Yates 609-494-8851

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

The District Anti-Bullying Coordinator for the Long Beach Island School District is:

Julie Oldham