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Regular attendance is essential if a student expects to be successful in school.  Absenteeism can be a major cause of poor performance or failure. 

The Board of Education requires a phone report or written statement from a student's parent/guardian explaining the reason for their child's absence from class or school.  The written notice is to be presented to the office on the morning following the student's absence.

The Board of Education reserves the right to verify written statements and to investigate the cause of each absence and/or repeated absences or tardiness.

For clarification of excused absences, please refer to Administrative code 6A:16-7.8

Absentee Notes

Whenever a child is absent from school, for any reason, parents are requested to call the school office between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. to report their child's absence.  This procedure is protection for each child and child's parent.  A note should then be sent to school the day the child returns to school explaining the reason for the absence.  The note should be given to the child's homeroom teacher.  It will be forwarded to the principal.  Student absences will be considered unexcused without parents notifying school with the reason for the absences.  Unexcused absences are reported to the State and can affect school funding and student promotion.

Late Arrival and Early Dismissal

According to New Jersey Law, children between the ages of six and sixteen years old must regularly attend school.  It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to insure consistent school attendance.  Consistent student attendance is highly correlated with student achievement.  Please make every effort to promote the excellent school attendance of your child as instructional time is extremely important.  Students with poor attendance will be monitored.  all students should arrive at school on time.  When circumstances require that a student  arrive late to school, he/she must bring a note to the main office explaining the reasons for the tardiness.

Signing Students In and Out of School

The Long Beach Island School discourage the early dismissal of students when classes are in regular session.  Students should be removed from school early only for legitimate reasons when a reasonable situation prevents the child from attending school for the entire day.  State law mandates students' attendance except for religious holidays and "Take Your Child to Work Day."   Needless early dismissals are disruptive both to the child's education and to the class that is interrupted.  Of course, there are occasions (medical appointments, etc.) when dismissing a child early is warranted.  In such cases, the parent needs to report to the school office to "sign-out" the child, stating the legitimate cause for the early dismissal.  It is recommended that the school be notified in advance of such circumstances.

NO student will be dismissed to any person other than their parent/legal guardian or persons listed on the emergency cards, without prior written notice by the parent/legal guardian that another authorized adult may pick up the student from school.  The adult picking up the student must report to the main office to sign the student out of school.  The adult picking up the student must sign the student out of school.  Identification will be needed if the adult is not known to school personnel.

Children are to go directly home when they are dismissed and not to remain in school or on the school grounds unless requested by the teacher or administration.

Students should never leave the school property for any reason unless they are accompanied by a parent, guardian or school faculty member.  A student will not be permitted to leave the school grounds until the child is properly "signed-out" by a parent or guardian a the school office.


The Long Beach Island Grade School has established a procedure for student tardiness as follows:

1.  Students arriving late to school should report to the main office and must have a late slip to enter class.
2.  Students are late if they arrive after the start of the day bell rings
3.  Tardiness will be unexcused except for the following reasons:
           a.  Illness or medical appointments (with doctor or parent note)
           b.  Religious observance
           c.  Personal (with administrative approval)
4.  Following two (2) unexcused late arrivals at school a letter may be sent home from school reminding parents of the procedure and consequences of continued tardiness.
5.  After three (3) late arrivals, a detention maybe assigned by the principal.
6.  A student's tardy record is cumulative.