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School Breakfast and Lunch Program

Nutritious school breakfast and lunch will be served each day for those students who elect to participate in these programs.

The school breakfast program will include such items as cereal, bagels, fruit, milk and juice.  The school lunch program will provide nutritious, well-balanced lunch with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and salad lunches available as an alternative to the regular lunch menu every day.  White or chocolate milk, orange juice, ice cream and several a la carte items are available for sale. 

Parents have the option to either purchase a five-day meal ticket for their child's breakfast and/or lunch or to purchase breakfast and lunch tickets on a daily basis.  Credit for school meals is discouraged, so please insure that your child comes to school with his/her daily or weekly breakfast/lunch money.  Students may not charge their breakfast but may be permitted to charge up to two lunches.   Students may not charge the following: water, ice cream, snacks or extra entree items.  Checks to the lunchroom should be made out to Sodexo.

Families will be provided with an opportunity to make application for free or reduced priced meals.  Income guidelines published by the New Jersey nutrition programs determine eligibility for these benefits.  If a family experiences a change in its income during the school year that would affect its eligibility for benefits, the school should be notified immediately and a new application must be completed.  We will be happy to assist families in securing the benefits to which they are entitled and to answer any questions regarding our meal programs.

Sodexo School Services will be providing our school lunch program. Any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the school lunch program may be addressed to Meghan Lee at the LBI School (609) 494-8851 x 2012 or by email to Kelly Pavan, Director of Dining at

The Long Beach Island School District is compliant with all State and Federal mandates regarding nutrition. More information will be distributed throughout the school year.