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Student Discipline Code of Conduct

Student Discipline/Code of Conduct (Policy #5600)

This policy established standards and procedures for positive pupil development and behavioral expectations on school grounds, including on a school bus or at school-sponsored functions, and as appropriate, for conduct away from school grounds. 

Long Beach Island Code of Conduct

Appropriate student behavior is considered essential for an optimum learning experience.  Distractions initiated by individual students tend to affect the safety and welfare of others.  Therefore, it becomes necessary to provide conduct regulations that deter inappropriate behavior.  

Each student should recognize his/her rights and remember that each right carries with it a responsibility.  The student must also understand that he/she progresses through the grade levels, there is an increasing responsibility to serve as a role model for younger students.  Each student must learn to accept and support the rules and regulations of the school as necessary to create an optimum learning environment and that any violation of these represents an infringement of the rights of his classmates.  To achieve this goal the Long Beach Island School District has adopted a code to provide a consistent effort to maintain good conduct in our schools.  Our conduct code also applies to all school-related activities that operate within or outside our schools.

Please read and discuss the code with your child.  Your child's teacher will also review this code with the children at school.  We appreciate your support and look forward to another successful year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call your school office.  

The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

The Code of Conduct applies to all students on school premises before, during and after school hours.  It also applies to students being transported by bus or other vehicles as part of any school activity.  Students are held to these expectations during all school functions, activities and events.  Any students whose conduct has a positive or negative effect on maintaining order in the sh cool will be subject to this Code of Conduct.

Importance of Parental and Staff Involvement

It is essential that parents/guardians, staff and students work together to develop a disciplined environment.

The school is not by itself responsible for, or equipped to develop, socially acceptable behavior by students. This is a shared responsibility of parents and students in partnership with the school.  The Long Beach Island School District is commit ed to developing partnerships between parents/guardians and its staff to teach socially responsible behavior.  Parents/guardians will be expected to support the Establishment of these partnerships and implementation of this policy. 

If parents/guardians require assistance to meet their responsibilities in developing their child's appropriate behavior, the school will seek to link the child and the family to appropriate support agencies. 

If parents/guardians require assistance to meet their responsibilities in developing their child's appropriate behavior, the school will seek to link the child and the family to appropriate support agencies.

Staff is expected to:
Explain the Code of Conduct to their students.
Enforce the Code of Conduct in a consistent fashion.
Function as a positive role model for the students.
Contact parents as deemed necessary to enforce the Code of Conduct and to maintain parent/guardian involvement.

Parents/guardians are expected to:
Read the Code of Conduct with their child(ren) and explain as necessary.
Function as a good listener to both their child(ren) and the school staff when conflict arises.
Function as a positive role model for their child(ren). 
Contact the school as deemed necessary.
Please follow the Chain of command when dealing with all issues.

Student Responsibilities/Expectations

All students are expected to show respect for self, other, property and the educational environment and to conduct themselves in a safe, non-threatening way.  In order to ensure a positive and productive learning atmosphere, students are expected to:

Follow all school rules and regulations.
Make a sincere effort to do their best work.
Cooperate with teachers, administrators, school employees and other students.
Be courteous and respectful to classmates at all times.
Respect all individual and cultural differences.
Dress appropriately as started in the Parent Handbook.
Take pride in their school and community.

Student Rights

1.  Students will be provided with a learning environment that allows each student to develop into a productive citizen.
2.  Students will obtain an education in a safe and non-threatening environment.
3.  Students will be insured of privacy and confidentiality concerning matters of discipline and counseling. 
4.  Student will be protected from illegal search and seizure.
5.  Students will have the right to due  process.
6.  Students will have the right to appeal disciplinary action.  
7.  Students will be informed of all aspects of the Code of Conduct.
8.  Students are encouraged to inform teachers, guidance counselors or administrators if they be lived they are being treated unfairly by a staff member or other student.

Implementation of Code of Conduct

Our positive discipline approach is designed to alleviate behavioral problems.  However, sometimes a student may behave inappropriately. The disciplinary response is designed to help the student learn the appropriate behavior.  Many of these inappropriate actions may be handled by a student's teacher.  However, at times, the principal, guidance counselor and/or child student team may get involved.  Parental involvement may also be required.  Below is a broad outline of the school's disciplinary response to inappropriate actions. If should be noted that no behavioral policy can possible cover all the disciplinary infractions which may arise; therefore, the building principal will administer appropriate action, as required.